Thursday, December 25, 2008

Thank You

A note received today:

Dear Father Peter

MY gift to you this Christmas is THANK YOU

Thank you for your actions-which speak louder than words

and convey reverence, respect and patience for the elderly.

Thank you for your honesty, your humble, self-disclosure, and your sense of humor.

Thank you for your enthusiam for the life and the ways you spark the same in others.

Thank you for your generosity of spirit, time and talent-and for pitching in to help in whatever way is needed.

Thank you for your example of kindness and love.

You challenge me to do-and to BE the same.

My the light of Christ which shines so brightly in you

enable you to feel the warmth of God's loving presence.

May God give you courage and support in your priestly ministry.

Blessings for Christmas and throught the New Year.

In Christ,


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Don't forget the eldely individuals...

Blessed Christmas-The Nativity of the Lord Jesus

Let us remember the elderly individuals, do not forget them.

Spend time with them. Elderly individuals are often lonely due to the fact they have little interaction with others during the day. Many elderly people just enjoy conversing with others, and you stopping by just to chat can make their day.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

...reflect the truth of this...

He drew a circle that shut me out, heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.

But Love and I had the wit to win, we drew a circle that took him in.

Silence is a true friend who never betrays.

Written by a man this morning and was handed to me.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Be thankful to GOD...

Yesterday an 87 year old woman whom I know very well died in her sleep. She is a great pianist. She will be missed in the community.
Today a 100 year old woman told me, she was busy with her 100th birthday and today is a time to have a solitude time with God.
Another 90 year old woman said to me, "Thank you for coming to our place, I thank you and I thank you."
A 92 year old man asked me, "What day is today?" and "When I am supposed to be today?" I told him, well you are with me and enjoy the breakfast.
Another 96 year old woman, she raised her voice, "Where am I going now?" I told her with a gentle voice, "It is time to eat, you are going to take your lunch."