Wednesday, January 7, 2009

...richness and sacred stories...

Aging Gracefully met today

There were 12 elderly individuals (ages 100-85) who attend this group.
The topic of discussion was:

Which year would you choose as the best year of your life? Why?
Some highlights:
"I was 15 and I thought I can do whatever I can."
"The time when my father bought a cow."
"The day my father told me, very good so that you can pray for us."
"As a teacher, I was very much interesting in teaching those children."
"I am 90 year old that is the best year for me."
"When I had all my children with me, now they are grown-up."
"What more can I say, today is the best day for me."
"Too many best years, particularly when my father acknowledged whom I am."
"The journey of my life, the time I was teaching in school."
"I am 100 but I am always thankful to God for the blessings."

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

...listen to their words...

Various expressions from elderly individuals:

Adrian states, " It is something hard to define, but the limitations in my capacity to be able to work, create a lonely situation for me."

Josephine echoes, " My slowness and incapability to perform my work is a kind of loneliness."

"Being alone and incapable of doing certain tasks is loneliness", said Sonia.

Monday, January 5, 2009

...positive attitude!

While she was eating she was talking to me. "I have nothing to complain, I have food, a nice room and many friends" said a 90 year old woman. It is always nice and inspiring to hear this positive attitude from an elderly person.