Wednesday, March 11, 2009

You have the heart-beats...

Drumming for the Elderly

Drumming for the Elderly is a product that focuses on rejuvenation, maintaining health and having a GREAT time. It is perfect for the mid-size to large nursing home, assisted living facility or retirement community looking for a very different recreational activity for its residents. Countless elderly persons who have participated in group drumming report that they feel energized, empowered, rejuvenated and enlivened after drumming. We can accommodate groups of 20-200.

We provide all of the instruments. Recent clinical research has demonstrated that group drumming stimulates brain activity and even has positive effects on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's patients.

A snapshot of the process of individual and group empowerment through drumming:

"I Drum . . . therefore I AM. When my hand hits the head of the drum, and I hear the sound that I produce, it re-affirms that I am alive and I do exist and I do create things with my energy that transform the world around me."

"There is something magical and primal about hitting a drum with your hand. You strike the drum- and the drum resonates. You feel the vibrations of the drum resonate through your whole body, and if you're lucky, your soul. You like what you feel: you like what you hear. You didn't know that your "rhythmically challenged" hands could produce such a pleasing sound on the drum. "

"All of the sudden, you are a child again. All of the sudden, you don't care about how much noise you are making, or what the people around you may think. You don't care that you're making a funny face while you play the drum, or that you may even be dancing a little bit strangely. You realize that you do have some rhythm after all. You're keeping a beat, aren't you?? You have a heart beat that maintains a steady beat- so all you are doing is following the rhythm of your heart. The person next to you joins in. Now, you feed off of her energy, and it makes you drum more intensely. And she feeds off of your energy, and it makes her play more intensely. Now you are sharing each other's rhythm, just as you are sharing the same air that both of you are breathing. No words are spoken, but a bond has been created between the two of you- a bond that re-affirms that you are young at heart, that you are full of life, and that you are connected."

Let Drumming for Wellness help you create that bond.

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