Monday, August 24, 2009

Loneliness is...

This painting was done by an elderly individual as an expression of her journey of life.

What some elderly individuals said when asked about the word "Loneliness" according to them:

I have this claustrophobic inside me, that makes me suppress internally and I feel that is loneliness. -Alice-

Loneliness is a kind of a void feeling and you want to get out of it. -Josephine-

Loneliness is a kind of emptiness; an empty feeling of being alone abandoned. -Sonia-


Lee said...

Everyone of us at one time or another have experienced loneliness, be it a loss of a loved one or just circumstances.
To escape from loneliness, sometimes we have to take that first step, reach out our hand.....and smile.
Never can tell who's falling in love with your smile.

Best regards, Lee.

Anonymous said...

Yes the feeling of loneliness is the worst disease to acquaint with, all of us fell a degree of loneliness at some part of our life.

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